Date Lecture Readings
08/21 Lecture #1 (Bo Dai):
Course Overview
[ slides ]

Module I: Background Knowledge
08/23 Lecture #2 (Bo Dai):
Optimization: convex preliminary
[ notes ]

08/28 Lecture #3 (Bo Dai):
Optimization: convex set and function
[ slides | notes ]

08/30 Lecture #4 (Bo Dai):
Optimization: gradient descent
[ notes ]

09/04 No Class (Labor Day)
09/06 Lecture #5 (Bo Dai):
Sampling: basic sampling method
[ notes ]

09/11 Lecture #6 (Bo Dai):
Sampling: Acceptance-Rejection & Importance Sampling
[ notes ]

09/13 Lecture #7 (Bo Dai):
Sampling: MCMC (MH, Gibbs & Hamiltonian)
[ notes ]

09/18 Lecture #8 (Bo Dai):
Density Parametrization
[ notes ]

09/20 No Class
09/25 Lecture #9 (Bo Dai):
Neural Network Revisit
[ notes ]

Module II: Deep Generative Models
09/27 Lecture #10 (Bo Dai):
EBM (CD, Score Matching)
[ notes ]

10/02 Lecture #11 (Bo Dai):
Autoregressive Model
[ notes ]

10/04 Lecture #12 (Bo Dai):
VAE and Diffusion
[ notes ]

10/09 No Class (Fall Break)
10/11 Lecture #13 (Ruiqi Gao (Virtual) - Google DeepMind):
Diffusion Process
[ slides | notes | recording (Canvas) ]

10/16 Lecture #14 (Lingkai Kong (in-person)):
Decision-Focused Learning
[ slides | notes ]

10/18 Lecture #15 (Sherry Yang (Virtual) - Google DeepMind):
Foundation Models for Decision Making: Problems, Methods, and Applications
[ slides | notes | recording (Canvas) ]

10/23 Lecture #16 (Bo Dai):
Generative Adversarial Nets (GAN)
[ notes ]

10/25 Lecture #17 (Bo Dai):
Normalizing Flow Models
[ notes ]

Module III: Differentiable Programming
10/30 Lecture #18 (Bo Dai):
Differentiable Algorithm I: differentiable optimizer/dynamic programming
[ notes ]

11/01 Lecture #19 (Bo Dai):
Differentiable Algorithm II: top-K/sorting layer
[ notes ]

Module IV: Reinforcement Learning
11/06 Lecture #20 (Bo Dai):
MDP: Bellman Recursion
[ notes ]

11/08 Lecture #21 (Bo Dai):
DP: Value and Policy Iteration
[ notes ]

11/13 Lecture #22 (Bo Dai):
Learning with MDPs
[ notes ]

11/15 Lecture #23 (Bo Dai):
Policy Gradient and Actor-Critic
[ notes ]

11/20 Lecture #24 (Bo Dai):
Imitation Learning and RLHF
[ slides | notes ]

11/22 No Class (Student Recess)
11/27 Lecture #25 (Bo Dai):
[ notes ]

11/29 Lecture #26 :
Project Presentations (online session: 4:00 - 6:15 PM)

12/11 Project Report Due